Excellent Work
I really enjoyed this game. I've been looking forward to this for some time now and am incredibly impressed. Your style really has improved since the original and as has the game. I love the updated graphics, backgrounds and characters. I also like the new elements of gameplay you added to make it more "Click and Explore" like talking to the characters with multiple speech lines.
However personally I feel there wasn't alot of story at all here, it was more of a "Go and do what you're told" layout and I didn't feel very involved in the story as much as I did in the second one. I think you need to be able to combine items - that's what makes "Point and Click" games so great. I also felt the side-quests were just a way to keep to gamer busy. Don't get me wrong they were good, but I feel they didn't suit the game seeing as you have to complete the story before they become available. If you use Side-Quests in part two, i reccomend you impliment them AS PART of the story - almost like an easter egg - The gamer doesn't have to do them, but you find out more about the story and characters if you do.
I loved the Humor in this game and as many have previously said, humor is one of the great things Point and Click games adapt to greatly. You've really done well for yourself here. I just felt that there were a few things missing that you need to pick up on for the next game.
Keep: The Humor, The Style, The New Movement System and everything the previous games had.
Change: Add More Story, More Speech Lines and Interactions, Allow interactions with Dead Objects (One's you'll never be able to use) to make it slightly harder. Combine Items again!
I look forward to the next installment and wish you the best for it. Don't leave us waiting too long. :P
Voted 5/5 - Rated 9/10